
The treasure of the forest is pine bark extract

The red gold of the forests

The story of our pine bark begins in the mists of history. The recipe for the extract has been passed down from one healer to another, finally ending up with Kari Herttua, the founder of our company. Hidden in this secret recipe is the power of the northern forests. We use it to make pure, high-quality pine bark extract from pine bark and sap using a traditional recipe, which is 100%Finnish and certified organic. We have been a family business from the beginning and we still produce our products on the same Koski forest farm in Siikainen, where Karin's Havupuu extract drink was first produced 50 years ago.

Why pine bark extract?

Pine bark extract is one of the most studied herbal extracts in the world. Pine bark and pine needles naturally contain minerals and trace elements, antioxidants and phenolic compounds such as oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs). 

The role of the pine bark is to protect the tree from UV rays, environmental pollutants, viruses, moulds, bacteria. For this reason, pine bark is rich in phenolic compounds. The wood's cambial layer plays an important role in the transport and storage of nutrients. In addition to the bark that protects the pine tree, we also use this valuable and nutrient-rich lichen layer. 

Over the years, we have beenactivelyinvolved in a number of university and research institute projects focusing on the active substances in pine bark and their effects. This has provided us with valuable information on the properties of our extract.

A quality product that has been tested

We have collaborated with the Universities of Helsinki, Turku, Tampere and Åbo Akademi, among others. We have also worked with companies in the industry to investigate the properties of pine bark extract. In the research project "Preclinical evaluation of the health effects of natural materials" 2003-2005, pine bark extract was shown to have many positive properties.

Read more about the versatile properties of our pine bark extract and download the Certificate of Analysis of the University of Helsinki
Kari’s Pine Bark extract drink

Pine bark extract has also been found not to interfere with the absorption of most common drugs and is safe for the body at the concentrations studied.

The analyses of phenolic compounds were carried out at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Turku in the research group of Professor Kalevi Pihlaja. The analysis showed high levels of resveratrol and a high lignan content in the extract.

The anti-inflammatory capacity of Kari's Conifer extract drink was measured using two proinflammatory substances, nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2. In cell culture studies, pine bark extract was found to have anti-inflammatory properties.

The only organic and quality certified pine bark extract on the market

Pinena Organic Pine Bark Extract , made from pine bark and pine needles,is the only organic and quality certified pine bark extract on the market. It is scientifically proven to be rich in plant antioxidants, phenolic compounds - such as resveratrol, catechins and other flavonoids.

Pinena Organic Pineapple Bark Extract is a 100% Finnish extract made with a standardised recipe and has been produced in Siikkainena since 1975. 

Responsibly produced

The raw material for our pine bark extract comes from the pure forest nature of northern Satakunta, where pine trees grow strong and need plenty of protective substances to survive in the harsh Nordic conditions. We harvest our wood responsibly and control the entire production chain from start to finish. Our pine bark extracts are produced in our own production facility in Siikainena.

We do not source pine bark as a by-product of the sawmill industry, but buy the raw material directly from forest owners, who also collect it for us according to strict standards. We know each of our raw material suppliers and meet them regularly. 

The wood we use as raw material is collected from the forest during thinning. As the work is not done with forestry machinery, the forest floor is not damaged and the forest remains vibrant after thinning. Each tree is individually selected for food use and treated as food from the start. In addition to the bark extract, each tree collected is fully utilised as bioenergy. No tree is felled for the sole purpose of extracting the wood. Our collection chain is also fully certified organic.

Thanks to our craftsmanship and the expertise we have built up over the decades, we are able to produce exceptionally strong and pure finished pine bark extract from our raw material. Our efficient process ensures that no extra wood has to be felled.

Tested and safe

Our products are tested and safe to use. Quality assurance measurements are carried out on each production batch. We also regularly test the chemical analysis of each batch of powder for moisture, ash content and heavy metal content. A separate batch analysis, COA = Certificate of Analysis, is issued for each batch sold, specifying the batch produced.

No Pitch Resin Chemical solvents Additives or preservatives

Our pine bark extract is produced as a hot water extraction: it does not contain resin or resinous substances. We do not use chemical solvents or alcohol in the extract. No colouring, additives or preservatives are added to our pine bark extract. It is also gluten-free and dairy-free and does not contain common hypersensitives. Studies have shown that pine bark extract does not interfere with the absorption of more common pharmaceuticals and can be considered safe for the body at the concentrations studied.

Did you know?

Pine has been an important source of food, especially for northern peoples, and there are historical references to its use as a food source by indigenous peoples in North America and elsewhere.

According to research, fritters made from the bark of the pine tree have been a regular part of the Sámi diet. In Finland, pine nilla has been used especially in times of shortage, when it has been added to bread flour.